Our new collection, New Tools for Writing with Joy, began with conversations with product designer Makoto Koizumi about the kind of products that represent Kakimori.
We spoke of enduring tools that travel with us on a journey; tools that blend into daily life, yet inspire us with every use.
Thinking about the possibilities, one material stood out in our minds.

It was Japanese cherry.
Also known as wild cherry, it is a hardwood native to the mountains of Japan that develops unique character and depth over time.
We decided to use this material for our ink bottle caps, nib holders and pen rests.

Our designs are brought to life by wood workshops across Japan, some of whom already knew Koizumi well.
The ink bottle cap is produced in Hokkaido, the nib holder in Hiroshima, and the pen rest in Gifu.
We visited each workshop to share our ethos and desire to create tools for writing with joy.

We wanted the tools to be a celebration of the warmth and textures of Japanese cherry.
Our makers worked with us tirelessly to give form to our ideas, and we got to know each other over the many conversations and challenges along the way.

The resulting writing tools are a joy to admire, to touch and to use.

The process of making brings people together — promising to visit the workshops again, we said our goodbyes as new friends, knowing our journey will continue.

Crafted with joy, we hope the tools will bring pleasure to your writing days.